In-depth analysis of Trump's dwindling campaign funds and legal fees.

Trump's legal charges increase as his legal peril deepens.

Legal Fees Soar

Save America PAC has less than $4 million left, having spent over $101 million on legal fees in 2022.

Save America's Funds Drain

Explaining the role of PACs in presidential campaigns and fundraising.

PACs and Campaign Funds

Breaking down how Save America PAC spent $25 million in the first half of 2023, with $21.6 million allocated to legal fees.

Save America's Expenditure

Detailing the extraordinary refund of $12.25 million from Make America Great Again Inc. to Save America PAC.

Record-Breaking Refund

Explaining how PACs can have negative fund balances and the reasons behind them.

Negative Fund Balances

Discussing the regulatory oversight and reporting requirements for PACs.

Financial Regulations

Speculating on Trump's ability to continue receiving support from donors despite the drop in fundraising.

Future of Donor Support